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TGSO Staff
At the Good Shepherd, we have a staff of dedicated people who work diligently for the welfare of the children. Most of them have been with us for over 20 years. Some of our staff members are former orphans who have captured the vision and decided to join the work by becoming employees.
Saint Juste Mervil – Director of of TGSO
I was born and raised in Carrefour, Haiti. When I was only eight years old, a close relative of my grandmother took me to the Good Shepherd Orphanage. Pastor Ernst Cassy, who was the director and founder of the orphanage, welcomed me with much joy. At the Good Shepherd Orphanage, I was privileged to receive a Christian education. I attended several schools in Port-au-Prince, including Sainte Trinité School, Collège Saint Pierre, and Collège Massillion Coicou. I studied many technical skills, including farming technology, carpentry, and woodworking.
Mona Cornet – Assistant Treasurer of TGSO
I was born and raised in a Christian family in Haiti, but I received Jesus Christ as my personal savior in Chicago where I spent 21 years. I graduated from a Bible school with a bachelor’s degree.
I was called by God to go back to my native country in order to give back to my own people what I have so freely received from Him. Since 1992, I have been working as a volunteer at the Ernst Cassy "Happy Heart” Schools as a school superintendent. Now, I work full time at the Good Shepherd Orphanage with the children. I feel very privileged to be part of this organization where the love of Christ is being poured into the lives of thousands of children. I long to see the hand of God moving through these children as we prepare them to become leaders for their generation.
USA Board of Directors
The volunteer, Kentucky based Board of Directors, seeks to provide support and oversight for The Good Shepherd Orphanage and Schools Foundation. Support includes, but not limited to, fundraising, accounting, administrative functions, construction projects, and group travel organizing.
Chrispin Gabriel
Kristen Gabriel
Ryan Copple
Anne Copple
Director of Sponsorship
Dante Rutstrom
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